The Winner of the Estately House Haiku Contest Is…

Last modified date

We have a winner

In the House Haiku Contest

It is Darryl Lee

It’s official, Darryl Lee is the winner of the Estately House Haiku Contest. All must bow to Darryl. Not only does he win the grand prize, a 16GB iPad mini, but he earns the title of Twitter Poetry Slam Champion in the much coveted category of Haikus Relating to Real Estate. His haikus were a joy to a read, but Darryl really set himself up for victory by providing 61% of all submissions. Since the winner was selected at random he was the overwhelming favorite and the odds came out in his favor.

This was our personal favorite of Mr. Lee’s submissions…

Snapshot 4:22:13 2:50 PM-2

The Flintstones-themed home belonging to the late Dick Clark was the muse for many, but not all of the entires. Here are some other choice haiku tweets…

Snapshot 4:22:13 2:58 PM

Snapshot 4:22:13 2:59 PM

Snapshot 4:22:13 3:01 PM

Snapshot 4:22:13 3:04 PM

Snapshot 4:22:13 3:05 PM

Snapshot 4:22:13 3:00 PM Snapshot 4:22:13 3:07 PM-2

Snapshot 4:22:13 3:06 PM-3

Congratulations to Darryl Lee (@notyoutoo). DM us your mailing address and the prize will arrive soon! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Estately House Haiku Contest. And to everyone who didn’t we hope your Klaut score falls, your followers all have eggs for avatars, and your tweets are filled with typos.

Ryan Nickum