Estately Offers New Way to Search for Homes With Walkability

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We’re very proud indeed to announce that our newest release allows consumers to search for homes for sale using FrontSeat’s award winning Walk Score home ratings. Truly environmentally conscious home buyers who want to live right in the midst of shops, parks, public transit, schools, and workplaces can use Estately to search for a “Walkers Paradise” home – a home with a WalkScore over 90.

Walk Score filter

We are now the best place for home buyers to find a home to fit a healthy lifestyle that takes advantage of nearby access to local shops, parks, public transit, schools, workplaces and more. Washington residents of pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods weigh 7 pounds less than residents of sprawling neighborhoods, residents of walkable neighborhoods drive less and suffer fewer car accidents, and studies show that every 10 minutes added to commute time results in 10% less time spent in community activities.

In addition to the health benefits of living in a walkable neighborhood, eliminating a car can save homeowners as much as $8,000 a year according to AAA and, in the words of Christopher Leinberger, author of Option of Urbanism, home buyers who eliminate a car can use their savings to buy a home that costs approximately $135,000 more.

Want to take a look at our new Walk Score search feature first hand? Here are some stats we’ve gathered, along with links to each search (ordered by walk friendliness):

You can read the full press release here.
