We won an award (Best Web Service 2008)

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When we were nominated for the Best Web Service Inman News Innovation Award, we were pretty surprised and, being a tiny shop out of Seattle up against some industry giants, we didn’t expect much to come of it. So I was extremely surprised when I, on the final day of the Inman Connect conference last week, we won the award!

There were no tears from the runners-up and, throughout the conference, we received what seemed like more than our fair share of praise for Estately’s real estate search. We’re pretty proud of what two guys with a clear vision and a serious willingness to iterate and constantly improve have done (you may have noticed from our recent Portland and San Diego releases that we can do a lot more now with five).

We want to thank Inman for the award – it is truly an honor – and we are going to do our best to create enough new, fantastic home-finding features over the next year that we are eligible for it again.

A special shout-out to the nominated blogs this year – what a fantastic selection:
AgentGenius – A winner of a blog (and of an award) with a host of fantastic agents writing explicitly for agents. How do you become a fantastic agent? AgentGenius has some good ideas.
1000Watt Blog – A great blog written by a couple of dudes who think long and hard about what is wrong with the real estate industry (and how to fix it).
Big Picture Blog – What more description do you need – it’s the Big Picture. It could also be called Macro Master.
FBS Blog – It is amazing to me how interesting and thoughtful a guy who runs a company that creates software for MLSes can be day after day. What will the mls mess look like in a few years?
Homegain Real Estate Blog – Homegain real estate blog is what happens when you bring together the heavy hitters who blog about real estate and ask them to talk shop.
