Dusting off the blog

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Since our last post in June, you may have been asking yourself “has ShackPrices dropped off the face of the earth?” But you would be asking the wrong question. The right question is “what kind of awesome real estate search site has the ShackPrices team been working on?” Our totally unbiased answer to that question: pretty awesome.

Currently a bunch of home buyers are poking and prodding the site while they feverishly search for the perfect shack (shabby to chic, of course). We’re pretty satisfied with what we’re hearing from them, so look forward to a public site soon, John Q. Public. Then you, dear reader, will get to start searching for homes (ahem, shacks) on our site. What will you find? Hopefully an intuitive interface, neat things you never knew about homes (more on this soon), and lots of details about homes.

-The Shack Team
